Oobire 大比礼(おおびれ), 2015
For sho, hichiriki, shakuhachi, wagon, bell, and electronics
Oobire blends traditional Japanese instruments with recordings of old Japanese 78s, field recordings, bell, and electronics - reaching back to ancient Japanese forms and sounds, while also attempting to sonically distill and express the experience of contemporary Japan from my perspective, which is that of a fourth generation descendant of Japanese immigrants. Oobire draws from an interest in traditional Japanese music such as Gagaku as well as the lesser-known Shinto ritualistic music called Azuma Asobi. Created and presented in partnership with the US - Japan Friendship Commission and the International House of Japan.
Premier Performance:
May 27, 2015
International House of Japan
With: Miura Remi – sho; Nakamura Hitomi – hichiriki;
Christopher Yohmei Bladsel – shakuhachi; Tajima Kazue – wagon and sho; Paul Kikuchi - percussion/electronics/composition
Visit my video page to view an excerpt of the premier of Oobire at the International House of Japan